Coaching with Susan

Coaching with Susan

"Ask Susan a Question"

Have a burning question about your entertainment career? You’ll get answers in our Attract Success newsletter, PLUS you’ll  get a VIP link to ask Susan what you need to know right now about getting jobs or promotions, plotting your career path–whatever’s on your mind; PLUS a free 7 Entertainment Myths That Keep You Unemployed ebook. 


Do you have dreams of a fulfilling, fun and well-paying career in entertainment, but no idea of how to make that happen?

That was me. After I graduated from theater school, the real world hit. There were a lot of talented people competing from the industry jobs I wanted. I had no idea how to stand out from the crowd.

So I settled, working 40+ hours/week as a legal typist and doing theater on the side—until I discovered a process that meant I didn’t have to wait for success to find me. I could lead it to my front door.

Want to know how you can redirect your career from that regular job to your passion in the entertainment industry?

Sign up for this self-directed video course where you’ll create your own personal Action Plan to getting paid to do what you love.

30-Minute Laser Coaching

The 1:1 entertainment industry coaching you need at an affordable price. Join Susan Dansby for a half-hour via Zoom and dive deeper to get clarity on your career: where you are versus where you want to be, and what simple next steps you can take to get there.

Attracting Show Biz Success available on Amazon

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